Participant Guidelines

Please ensure you are familiar with the below guidelines prior to course commencement.

All of the below guidelines you must agree to prior to commencement. If you have any questions in relation to these, please ensure you ask our friendly staff prior to starting the course as refunds cannot be provided afterwards.

Participant Guidelines

Participants must complete all three (3) sessions to complete the program whether you attend the face to face program or the online program.

Online Course Participants

All participants must book the online program and pay the fee of $285.00 (inc. GST). Currently discounted to $240.00 if you insert the codeword QTOP when purchasing. (Discounted since 2020)

Please note that from enrolment date, you have FOUR (4) months to complete our QTOP program.

Participants may elect to return to the Court without completing the course.

Participants must agree to our terms and conditions for insurance purposes relating to the program.

All participants must have photo identification to complete our program. Have no photo identification? Please call and speak to the friendly staff to assist you.

Upon completing the program, all participants must complete their Homework Summary sheets and Overall Feedback outlining the benefits of the program to demonstrate the knowledge they have acquired from the program. Your Homework Summary sheet will be signed off by the coordinator which is then submitted to the Magistrate.

Face to Face (Currently Closed Due to COVID)

Face to Face – In the event of being absent for an urgent/sickness reason, the participants will generally have to wait three (3) sessions to attend the session missed. Just discuss with the staff and they will be able to assist with advising the next date to attend. Missing a session does not affect your attendance at our program. Currently the Face to Face program is shut down due to Covid.

Please note that from the start date, you have FOUR (4) months to complete our QTOP program.

After 4 months, your file/fees will expire.

Participants may elect to return to the Court without completing the course.

Participants must arrive 15 minutes before any session (by 6:45pm) to enable enough time to sign in each night. Session starts 7:00pm SHARP.

Participants must not turn up under the influence of any alcohol or other drug on any day they are attending the program. If they do, they will be asked to leave.

Participants must display an acceptable standard of behaviour while attending the program. If a person is disruptive, security will ask that person to leave.

Participants must sign an indemnity form for insurance purposes relating to the program.

All participants must have photo identification to complete our program. Have no photo identification? Please call and speak to the friendly staff to assist you – you can still attend, we will discuss other arrangements with you.

Upon completing the program, all participants must complete their Homework Summary sheets and Overall Feedback outlining the benefits of the program to demonstrate the knowledge they have acquired from the program. Your Homework Summary sheet will be signed off by the co-ordinator which is then submitted to the Magistrate.

Start Your Court Recognised Course Today

Please contact us if you have any queries.

Applicable Offences

Traffic Offenders covers all traffic offences – Are you facing Court for an offence?

If you fail to provide a specimen, or a drug is detected in your blood, you will be charged with driving under the influence of liquor or a drug. If you are charged with driving under the influence of liquor or a drug your driver licence will be immediately suspended until the charge is dealt with: by a court.

It is a serious offence to drive while your blood alcohol level is over the legal limit.

The roadside drug test takes a saliva sample and can detect the presence of:

  • cannabis
  • ecstasy or MDMA
  • cocaine
  • methamphetamine (ice or speed).

It is an offence to drive without due care or attention or without reasonable consideration for other persons using the road.

It is an offence to drive a vehicle if your licence is suspended. You may be penalised or disqualified from holding or obtaining a driver licence for a period of 6 months or more if you do.

If your licence is suspended but you need to keep driving, such as for work, you may be eligible to apply for a special hardship order. A special hardship order is a court order that allows a driver with a suspended provisional or open licence to continue driving under restricted and specific conditions.

After receiving the Notice of Suspension, you have 28 days to lodge your appeal online or in person at a local court. You will need to pay a fee to the court to lodge your application. Unless the court orders otherwise you must not drive until your appeal is heard.

Dangerous operation of a motor vehicle, commonly called dangerous driving, causing death or grievous bodily harm is a very serious criminal offence in Queensland and other states. If you are found guilty of dangerous driving, your licence will be disqualified for a minimum of 6 months in addition to any other penalty that is imposed.

If you are convicted of unlicensed driving, the court must disqualify you from holding a drivers licence for a period of between 1 and 6 months. You may also receive a fine of more than $5,700 or you may be imprisoned for up to 1 year.

 If you have been charged with a drink or drug driving offence in Queensland or another state, you may be entitled to apply for a work licence.  A work licence is also known as a restricted licence, workers licence, section 87 licence or day licence.

It is also critical to know that the work licence must be applied for before the court imposes a disqualification period for the drink or drug driving offence. Once the court imposes the licence disqualification you cannot apply for a work licence.

Often, even the most experienced drivers may consider undertaking a refresher driving course to help them with safely and navigating the road.

There’s nothing wrong with taking a refresher driving course – in fact, it can be very helpful in order to mitigate the future risk of a crash, and can also help unsteady drivers with improving their skill and confidence level!

Commence Program Before Court Date!

Make sure you have left enough time to complete the course and have your certificate issues before your Court date.

Don't Leave It Until the Last Minute

The course will take at least four (4) full days to complete. Please ensure you also have enough time to receive your certificate.

Start Your Court Recognised Course Today

Please contact us if you have any queries.

Ready To Enrol In The ATOP Program?

If you’re ready to enrol, please complete the eligibility form below. Once your eligibility is confirmed, please pay the enrolment fee and we’ll send you an email on how to start the course.